Summary of How the Product Works

Solid carbon block water filters are made from finely ground and compressed carbon mass through which water passes during filtration. Acting like a magnet, the filter attracts and retains micro-pollutants such as PFAS. These carbon filters can be used alongside other technologies like reverse osmosis or independently.

Product Description

Carbon block water filters utilize three main processes to remove or reduce pollutants from drinking water:

  1. Mechanical Filtration:
    • Functions like a sieve, filtering out particles larger than the filter’s pores.
    • Capable of filtering particles as small as half a micron (sub-micron).
  2. Kinetic Absorption:
    • In some carbon blocks with specially designed outer shells.
    • As water passes through, the material in the shell acquires a positive molecular charge, attracting negatively charged ions of certain pollutants.
  3. Physical Adsorption:
    • The carbon itself attracts pollutants.
    • Activated carbon particles have a large surface area to attract and retain pollutants.
    • Specially designed non-sticky substances used in compressed carbon blocks expose more carbon surfaces, enhancing pollutant reduction.

Product Features

  • Quality Assurance: Designed using rigorous testing procedures to ensure high product quality.
  • Taste and Odor Removal: Effectively removes unpleasant taste and odor.
  • Fine Filtration: Contains 1-micron pores to remove finer impurities.
  • Reliable Performance: Provides a dependable method to remove pollutants, resulting in fresh and clean water.

Replacement Rate

The solid carbon filter should be replaced every 1-3 months, depending on the level of dirt or contamination in the source water.
